Naturally sweetened beverages are allowed on the SOZA Weight Loss program, but in moderation.
Let me share a story about a client, Jessica.
Jessica was doing the program correctly and was losing weight.
However, a couple of weeks in, she started stalling.
What changed?
During one of her check-ins, one of our health coaches asked, "I see you are having Zevia almost daily, when do you normally have it?"
Her answer startled our health coach, "Well, I have a lot actually? it's allowed isn't it?" It turned out, that Jessica was having three to six naturally sweetened soda beverages a day.

Now although Jessica was indeed right and Zevia is allowed, it still caused her to stall.
Now we're pretty sure that was the reason because as soon as she cut it out from her diet, within a day or two she was losing again.
So what gives?
Well, the studies suggest that the main problem lies with your brain getting confused because of the intense sweetness.
It thinks food is on its way, so your body then gets an exaggerated insulin spike.
Insulin increases, no weight loss.
So if Jessica is consistently spiking her blood sugar, weight loss won't happen.
Bottom Line about medical weight loss
During the rapid weight loss program phase, you can have naturally sweetened beverages, but don't overdo it, please!
Hey, thank you for entrusting us with your weight loss goals! If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment!
Gus from SOZA
Senior Health Coach